PlayThru Live Golf Event Scoring

Golf Outing Warm-Up Games

Keith Moehring
June 11, 2024
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People enjoy golf outings and are excited to get the day started, which is why many arrive early—sometimes an hour or more before tee off. 

They'll grab a coffee and do their warm-ups, but eventually, they run out of things to do. This is when they track you down and try to have a chat, not realizing you have 1,000 things left to do before play can start. 

So, why not invite your golfers to compete in fun, warm-up games set up in the course's practice areas? Pre-outing games set a lively tone for the day and congregate the golfers so they can mingle. 

These warm-up games can also become extra fundraisers for your event. Here are some engaging game ideas you can try.

Long-Putt Competition on the Putting Green

Invite participants to sink an extremely challenging putt on the practice green for a chance at money and glory. 

  • Setup: On the practice green, find a long, undulating section that will not be interrupted by other golfers warming up. Mark the starting point with a little flag, tee, or sign. Ensure it is at least 15 feet away (ideally more) from the hole. Position a volunteer by the putt line who will keep track of all the golfers who made the shot (and ensure no one cheats). 
  • Play: Everyone in your outing should get at least one attempt, or, better yet, golfers get one shot for each entry fee payment. 
  • Winner: The goal of this game is for golfers to make the putt. There are no closest-to-the-hole participation awards, you make it or you lose. There’s a good chance you’ll have more than one winner. So, at a designated time before the start of the outing or after the golf outing, invite those who made the putt to come back for a final putt-off. In this case, closest to the pin will win to avoid endless playoff rounds, so keep track of the best shot. If multiple people make it, redo the final putt-off with only those golfers. Continue until a winner is announced. 

Chip Shot Challenge

Get your participants' short game sharp with a chip shot challenge. 

  • Setup: Pick a green that has a nice open area for chipping. This may be the practice green, a designated chipping area, or the 18th green. The green you pick must allow for chipping (some practice greens do not). The chipping spot should be at least 10 yards off the green and avoid interfering with golfers warming up. Assign a volunteer to keep order, enforce the rules, and track the closest shot.
  • Play: Golfers get one chance (or one chance per entry fee) to hit the ball as close as possible to the hole. 
  • Winner: The winner of this game is the golfer who hits their ball the closest after everyone has gone. Designate a cut-off time for when everyone has to have taken their shot. If multiple people are tied or hit the ball in the cup, they get invited back for a playoff round. Closest to the pin wins. 

Driving Range Target Challenge

A driving range target challenge can be a really fun way to get everyone dialed in on the range. The goal of this game is to hit or land near a target set up somewhere on the driving range. The target can be a large net, an actual target made of wood and paper, or a life-size cutout of someone your golfers will want to hit golf balls at.

  • Setup: Set up a target about 100 yards from the driving range tee area. Ideally, do it on the far left or right side of the driving range to avoid interfering with other golfers. Place a volunteer next to the tee area (not the target) where your golfers will be hitting.  
  • Play: Golfers get one attempt or one try per entry fee to hit the target. Your volunteer will keep track of the names that hit the target. 
  • Winner: Prizes are awarded to anyone who hits the target. Or, you can invite all the target hitters back for a playoff to determine one winner. 

Awarding Winners

Winners need to be recognized. To do so, here are a few ideas to consider. 

  • Percentage of the Pot: If you collect entry fees, award the winner(s) a percentage of the pot. Make sure to keep a healthy percentage for your fundraiser. When awarding the money, hand it out and then immediately, while standing next to the winners, announce that the raffle ticket window is open for another 10 minutes. Hopefully, they will invest their winnings in raffle ticket prizes, ensuring your cause keeps the money. 
  • Trophy: Everyone loves a trophy. Hand out a fun trophy to the winners.  
  • Raffle Tickets: If you don't require entry fees (or even if you do), give away raffle tickets to the winners. This will cost your event nothing extra, but your golfer will still get value. 

I’ve played in events that have hosted these types of pre-outing games and there are always lines of golfers waiting for a chance to compete. These are can’t-miss opportunities to give your golfers a great time AND raise a little extra money. 


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